"How can you go to a dance show and not pay for it?"

Outside the tent.

[Napoleon, your puppet, gazed at the enthralled pig soldiers before him and suddenly cried out, "Listen well! If you follow me, I shall regularly entertain you with varied spectacles!" The pig soldiers rejoiced.]

[Your Napoleon puppet's strength increased by 2891.]

[Your Napoleon felt content, sensing that it had gained new insights from you. The strategy wasn't just about force; sometimes it involved charm and appeal.]

[Napoleon pondered. I wanted to borrow Serena from you. If you disagree, it would search elsewhere.]

Inside the tent, the Black-haired Pig Demon locked eyes with Ming. Standing in the muddy pit and discarding his rake, he raised his hands in surrender. "I yield! May I live?"

Ming was stunned. "What's going on? We haven't even started the fight. Why are you surrendering?"