"Is he important to you?"

The thunder had faded, the rain ceased, and the sun resumed its ascent in the eastern sky. ming raised an arm to shield his face from the morning light filtering through the glass.

"Boss, the rain has stopped, but... the water level doesn't seem to have receded."

As Euryale spoke, she pointed out of the window towards the floors below.

Ming approached the window to inspect. The floodwaters had risen to the third floor, making escape by foot impossible.


He summoned three 'divine' puppet figures into his space, made his way to the rooftop, and mounted Raoul, flying towards the Qianhai Garden. In ten minutes, they reached their destination.


Hovering in place, Ming leaped onto the balcony and carefully slid open the door just a crack.

Sniffing, he detected no scent of any living beings. Reassured, he opened the door fully and stepped into the living room.