Lucky fool

Mike gazed down the cliff to see a figure riding an orca sporting a hammerhead shark's head. He remarked dismissively, "You're weak. Bring someone else for me to taunt."

The shark-headed figure looked up, shouting, "Mike, it's me, 109Cosu! We've shared drinks before."


Mike scowled, retorting, "The Cosu I know wasn't a fish. Who are you trying to impersonate?"

The figure insisted, "I am Cosu! Now, I serve Lord Poseidon. Resist no more. As you see, the world will soon be swallowed by the sea. Why die a pointless death? It's far better to enjoy the benefits of serving Poseidon."

Mike chuckled, "Brother, I always knew you were meant for greatness. How about I gift you one last thing?"

Cosu was curious, "What's that?"
