"Mortal, you dare trespass upon the Gates of Heaven!"

Christina was curious about this matter and asked, "Where did you obtain the map you just showed me? What do the lines and arrows signify?"

"I came across it by chance," Ming casually replied, then added, "I won't disturb you any further; I'm going to arrange our sea crossing." With that, he turned and left. 

Christina watched his retreating back, then leaped onto the giant crab's shell and sat down next to Alan. In a soft voice, she said, "Your Gutmann had a strange expression just now. I'm unsure what was odd; perhaps it's just a woman's intuition."

Keeping his gaze fixed ahead, Alan responded, "It's nothing; I have complete faith in him. If he has something he's not saying, he hasn't figured out how to express it yet." 

Christina's mouth curved into a faint smile. "I don't know why, but when you say that, it makes you two seem almost like a couple."