"Pay attention, all of you, and I have arrived!"

"Your Da Vinci attempts to collect Atlas but fails—too heavy!"

"Your Foodie suggests to Da Vinci, 'Look at all the jewelry she's wearing—on her head, around her arms. Let me lighten her load first.'"

"Your Da Vinci looks at foodie, 'You must assure me your intentions are pure.' Foodie nods, 'I'm an honorable individual.'"

Atlas gazed at the two toads on the ground, one large and one small. The smaller one was massaging, the larger one's head as if giving advice. She found it amusing and shared a smile with Pangu. "Look at these unique little creatures."

"They're just toads," Pangu glanced casually, puzzled. "How did toads even get here?"

Whoosh, whoosh—just then, he found the woman beside him suddenly devoid of clothing. 

Thousands of eyes from the surrounding guards widened in disbelief. They had never seen Atlas in such a state but could not help but admire nature's craftsmanship. Such beautiful things indeed exist.