Abyssal Gaze

"Boss, forgive me, I'm under a spell. I can't control myself; I have to slash your left arm. Dodge!"

With a single punch, Ming sent Mike tumbling to the ground. Mike groaned in pain. "Boss, why didn't you dodge? Did you have to hit me? We are brothers, after all."

Knowing Mike was under a spell yet still partly lucid, Ming had a simple solution in mind—to wake a 'sleeping' man with a jolting blow. "I'm trying to free you from his control. How do you feel? Any better?"

"I'll kill you!"

Mike rose to his feet, brandishing his large blade and charging again, shouting, "Boss, dodge; I really can't control myself. Dodge! Don't hit me!"

Ming dodged and retreated, searching for an opening to attack Pangu. After all, Mike was his brother; he couldn't kill him.

Dodging and advancing, he swung his staff at Pangu in one fluid motion. Yet, everything felt too easy—there had to be a catch!

"Boss, it's me!"