Together We Fall, We Are The Cult

- Universal Extinction Special or Movie Coming next

The wind pushed through the wrecked town of Middleton.

A green flash shined in the cemetery.

Aiden charged in and threw his electric fist at Throwup who pushed out a wave of spit that threw Aidens fist back. Throwup moved in closer while Aiden tried to regain balance.

Leaping over Throwup with the power of CrashSpring and landing behind him was half of Aiden's plan of attack. Aiden then thrashed from behind with a bullet of punches using the speed of 0verspeed.

Throwup quickly inflated his mouth and then when Aiden's fist came into contact with his face, his mouth exploded open with a burst of green spit that left Aiden sliding back.

"Lenardo... Lenardo... Lenardo..."

Aiden gripped his fist and slammed it down sending a shockwave through the ground that electrocuted Throwup.

Holding his fist tightly, Aiden flew in with an unexpected punch to the face of Throwup. The alien went flying back through a couple of tombstones.

Many tombstones flew back with Throwup following the punch by Aiden. Throwup slowly started picking himself up - the pain in the punch delivered by Aiden could still be felt aching through his face as he got up.

The power in the punch made Throwup a bit daisy, emphasis on bit, because that large part of him that wasn't daisy helped him take note of Aiden coming in with a punch.

Though he was pushed back a small inch, Throwup was still successful in catching Aidens fist. Playing with the strength of his species; Throwup dropped his body back, throwing Aiden over his head and into somebodies grave.

Using his strength again while on the ground, Throwup pushed his body to the side, rolling himself back onto his feet. Throwup inflated his mouth and pushed out a wave of spit that like a wave of water crashed into Aiden and moved his body back.

Throwup burped while a stuck of spit hanged by the side of his mouth. Aiden slammed his palm onto the ground sending forward a dance of sparks that climbed down to Throwup who was quick to dodge, by jumping into the sky.

While Airborne, Throwup flushed from his mouth another wave of spit, Aiden instantaneously rolled to the left to avoid the first wave. And then rolled back to his original position to dodge the next wave sent down by Throwup.

Aiden rolled back, placing himself on his feet, "I like it when you're like this, there's no talking, just us having a reasonable conversation with our abilities."

After landing nicely on the ground, Throwup gurgled at Aiden.

"Abilities... Speaking of abilities!" Aiden forced his palm forward pushing out a string of fire.

The string of fire caught Throwup off guard long enough for Aiden to send in a flamethrower of a fire right after his attack. Throwup didn't have time to counter, so therefore he was pushed back into a large gravestone.

"What was the guys name? Oh right;


The pain from the attack made it difficult for Throwup to bounce back fast, so he struggled a bit as he tried to get up.

"BurnOut, combined with brain guy, combined with that guy... We get a powerful attack!"

Aidens arm bulked down to base and then his entire mouth inflated with aching veins popping and then he spat forward a hush of fire infused electric spit that pushed in toward Throwup who was still in the process of getting up. The omnitrix flashed between green and white then a green flash shined as Cameron reverted into himself.

"What?! No!"

Everything paused as Paradox walked out from a portal besides Cameron.

"What a funny situation." Paradox laughed.

"PARADOX! You need to help me!"

"Yes of course, but the deal..."

"YES! YES! I accept the deal YES!"

"Don't you wanna know what it is?"


"Of course." Paradox used his staff and pointed at the watch, "Raise the dial and follow my instructions."

Cameron pressed the buttons on the dial in the exact order and format Paradox told him to do it, the format was long yet memorable.

"Done. Now when the watch boots up again; Press the back buttons twice and forward buttons once, back buttons once then forward twice and don't raise the dial."

"I can remember that."

"I'll leave it a note."

Paradox disappeared and time resumed as normal. The attack sent by Aiden moved in quickly against Cameron, pushing him all the way back past many tombstones and gravestones.

The shield that surrounded Cameron's body fell down after the attack. The shield was from the peacemaker uniform he was wearing. Cameron planned on helping himself up, but he also knew that would take him minutes to do since the damage from the attack held him down hard. Aiden though came in quick and lifted Cameron by the shirt.

"What do you really know about me?"


"Finally! Before you were acting as if you knew me, as if we've known each other since day one-"

"-i was stupid to think that we were friends... We're not friends Aiden... We're not even close to being that..."

"Took you long enough to notice that."

"I'm slow, which is why I didn't notice how pathetic you were, how fucked up you were and how- damnit I can't even think of words to describe you right now." The omnitrix flashed green.

"That was quick."

"It's as if someone froze time long enough for my watch to come back online."


"Aiden..." Cameron spoke. "I'm sad to see you like this."

"What is this about now? Are you trying to change my view, are you trying to turn me back into that fake version of myself that you admire so much?"

"I'm just saying, I'm sad to see that the real you is such a fucked up dumpshit..."

"That's the thing; to me the way I acted around you was me being fucked up and the way I acted around Abbie was me being a dumpshit. The fact you guys almost gave me a reason to change..."

"That wasn't the real you, you had all the right in the world to change from acting like that. We gave you a reason to change, and I'm kinda happy you didn't take it, I don't even know why you wanted to take it in the first place."

"That was because I met Abbie... And the most important thing was that I accidentally built a connection with you..."

From behind his back Cameron inserted the combinations, "Our connection?" The dial rose up, (POWER HOUSE PLAYLIST ACTIVATED)  "We never had a connection." Cameron revealed as he slammed his palm onto the dial.

A powerful green flash shined in the eyes of Aiden coursing him to drop Cameron and take a step back while trying to adjust his eye sight. Clearing his eye sight; Aiden looked up at Cameron who looked down at him slightly.


Gorantuala tackled Aiden onto the ground and from there started fisting him in the face with a bold amount of punches. Aiden with his sparking palm touched the fur of Gorantuala hoping he would blast the beast off him, sadly his hopes did not come true, instead the sparks were only able to lift the hair of Gorantuala who was still on top of him.

"You dumbass! You dumbass! You dumbass! Why did you Turn Bad!"

Aiden grit his teeth as he increased the volt in the electricity and then finally the pain struck Gorantuala, the beast of an alien stopped the onslaught of attacks so he could have room to scream in pain. Aiden with his larger arm punched Gorantuala into the sky.

Aiden points his palm up."I Was Always Bad! I am Part of The Cult"

Sparks of electricity danced around Aiden's arm, but nothing came out.

"There we go! You used up all the power you absorbed from Static-Brain now you're unable to use his abilities - That also means you don't have much time until you lose the other powers you gained."

Gorantuala pointed his tail down and sent out a string of webs that covered Aidens fist. The beast alien pulled his tail back moving Aiden's fist downward.

From above Gorantuala crashed down onto Aiden with a quadruple axe handle slam, Aiden's entire head was forced into the soil of the cemetery with a crash.

"Being a monster doesn't automatically mean you're a bad person, you made your self bad, it was your decision."

"I had no decision!"

Aiden pulled up with an uppercut that moved Gorantuala back, he then pushed in with another fist to the face of Gorantuala then slapped him with a thunderous palm that caused quakes through the cemetery.

He stepped back and launched in with a headbutt to the stomach of Gorantuala throwing the beast alien way back far through the cemetery.

"This is my life!" Aiden said whilst panting, "And not even your forgiveness of my actions will make me feel fine, because we are not brothers anymore."

Aiden exploded into the sky pushing the dust away, while gritting his teeth through the vibrations of pain he was feeling at the moment and dropped down cutting a line in the atmosphere.

He was ready to deliver one last final blow to his friend turned enemy, he wanted to end it all with tears in his eyes. But his chapter was unable to come true as Gorantuala with pure ease caught him by the neck, the hold was tight Aiden felt himself losing breath, and combine that with the momentum of speed he was falling at - the choke hold was painful.

The omnitrix starts blinking between green and white, "That's your problem Aiden, everyone forgives you... But I will NEVER forgive you, because you ARE a monster."

Gorantuala through his fist the exact time the watch flashed green and as a result the punch was ineffective.

Aiden punched Cameron back.

"How did you figure my power out?"

"Remember you told me that you gave back the same amount of damage you received, then you pointed out how your power upgraded to where your able to replicate the exact way you got damaged. Now what always bugged me about that explanation was the fact that the hits you were throwing at me weren't as strong as the ones you received, but now I know that you use small bits of the damage you recieved so your power doesn't run out."

"So in other words you used Static-Brain and had help from family."


Aiden prepped himself to continue forward when a string of pain went through his nerves systems and he fell to his knees gripping onto his bulked arm that was aching. He released a scream of pain before falling onto the ground.

"I- I can't move..." Aiden said.

Cameron looks down at his watch. "I turned back pretty fast there... I also turned back fast the last time I used Gorantuala... Powerhouse aliens probably quicken the duration time of the watch which explains the fast time outs."

Cameron fell onto his knees breathing strongly.

➜ [ Middleton ]

Marcy kicked her foot into the face of Xene who quickly bounced back and reversed with a kick of her own.

"Let Katherine go!"

"That's something I can't do, capturing her and using her power to fix the world was my mission and I never let my backdown on a mission."

"A mission that encourages you to capture a young girl, and force the young girl to help you with your malicious course."

"There's nothing malicious with trying to fix the world-"

Marcy threw her fist at Xene and she blocked it. Xene turned with a tail whip that Marcy jumped over and then followed the jump with a leg drop.

Xene pushed back avoiding the leg drop, then sprinted in with a jumping tail slam, Marcy swerved out the way and was just about to gain some ground when Xene turned to her with a punch that was obviously avoided.

"Your skills almost match up to that guy from before."

"Good for him."

"I guess you handle insults with a nonchalant expression, the same way you handle kidnapping young girls."

"You keep emphasising on her young age as if that should mean something to me."

"It should; she's a child, she shouldn't be doing all these stuff that she's doing, same with all of us in this family, we're all forced to do this for the 'safety of the family', yet we're not safe, and therefore the family isn't as well."

"You trailed off. But I understand the point; but look at me. I'm properly the exact age as Katherine, yet I'm here. I've been through hell worse than Katherine, and that's why I'm not tainted by the thought of her age, because that's just a number to me now."

Ten cultists ran at Grandpa. Grandpa cocked his blaster and then threw it into the sky as he punched one cultist back, kicked one cultist in the stomach and backhanded one cultist in the face. He caught the blaster and shot down the three cultists he attacked.

Commander Stirfield slid underneath Nikki. Stirfield pulled himself up and jumped in with a punch that almost hit the face of the masked person.

The masked person moved back for some room before running in and tackling Stirfield to the ground. The person then threw down a multitude of punches to the face of Stirfield.

Commander Rayy shot back a few cultist, but they kept pushing in. The Peacemakers held back the cultists that were trying to disrupt the main fight. Nikki grabbed one of the Peacemakers and stabbed him repeatedly while laughing.

Even though she was overwhelmed by a ton of cult members commander Rayy still found her way to even the odds, by lowering them from five to one.

"You guys eat dirt." Commander Rayy commented.

"Rayy, we need to stop that machine before it's too late. The cult think they know what their doing, but they have no idea what their activating."

"And I'm guessing you do."

"I have a history."

Nikki came in with a swing that Rayy barely avoided, she then turned with a kick to the face of Rayy before following it up with a backhand that was planted perfectly against Rayys cheeks.

Rayy felt her nose and a bit of blood was running, "What the fuck?"

Nikki smiled as she licked the blood, "I like your blood... I LOVE IT ACTUALLY! I WANT TO SEE MORE!"

"What is wrong with you?"

Commander Rayy stood on guard as Nikki gripped her knife.

Katherine tried holding her breath to distract herself from the surges of pain she was feeling. The four masks were pulling power from her like they were pulling her life force from her body.

Gal built onto Marcy's fist the exact second she pushed it in to punch Xene. The punch easily connected to the stomach of Xene, sliding her back.

Marcy extended the fist forward and Xene swerved left to dodge the attack. She then sprinted in and punched Marcy in the face.

Marcy tumbled back a bit before quickly regaining balance then instantly punching Xene in the face with her galvanic fist.

"I clearly have this fight won now." Marcy pointed out, "Let Katherine go. I understand that you don't back down on a mission-"

"-i must have not made myself clear. I will never back down on this mission, this mission that was given to me by the person who I'm loyal too, the same person who saved my life. I will not quit on her , I will remain loyal, I am part of the Cult."

"I'm guessing it's that masked dude."

"Dude? She's a women. A women with a pure heart."

"Katherine is no different from your boss, she's as well someone with a pure heart."

"Yes and it does sadden me to see her in this position."

"Yet you're still proceeding on with this whole thing and you don't even sound sad."

"Because I locked my heart many, many, years ago."

Xene whipped Marcy back. She then started throwing a whole pack of kicks to the face of Marcy, each kick was aimed and timed to a specific point happening only a mili second after one another. Xene then switched and gut punched Marcy and waited about two seconds before throwing in her other leg to kick her by the cheek.

"This is who I am... A monster... A complete turned down monster... And that is why I'm fighting here-"

Marcy was shaken by the kick, yet she was quick in pulling herself forward and knocking her skull right into Xenes skull. Xene went tumbling back with a splitting headache while Marcy tried catching her breath.

"Damn right you are... And don't ever be ashamed of that-"

A blue line traced around the body of Marcy as she floated into the sky. She looked down to Xene whose eyes were glowing in a bright blue color.

The masked person kicked Stirfield back. Grandpa jumped in and punched the masked person in the face sending her back.

"I'm telling you now... Stop the machine or you'll regret not listening to me-"

Stirfield came down with a superman punch that Nikki slid under. She got up and tackled Stirfield pinning him to the ground.

"This is a weird position Isn't it? But I like it..." Nikki said with a grin.

"Don't move bitch." Commander Rayy said holding a blaster to the back of Nikki's head, "If you dare to stand up I will shoot your-"

Nikki got up with a smile on her face and waited a couple of seconds as if she was asking Rayy to shoot her.

Then with ease, Nikki flipped back, pele kicking commander Rayy against the head. When she landed, Commander Stirfield kicked her by the leg, dropping her to her knees.

Commander Rayy got up and then curb stomped Nikki onto the ground. Nikki grabbed the leg of Rayy while laughing manically.

Rayy quickly shot the back of Nikki, but her grip kept strong and her laughter increased. Commander Stirfield stomped Nikki to the ground and Rayy rapidly shot her. Darkish blood came out her mouth as she continued laughing.

"I will never ever, ever, ever, stop I'm part of the cult after all.." Nikki said

"What is wrong with this woman? She's damned fearless, has a lust for blood and can take hits like it's nothing... She's definitely a mutant."

"Trained assassin mutant probably..."

The masked person charged in and almost tackled Grandpa who was quick to dodge. Grandpa aimed his blaster at the leg of the masked person and was about to shoot when a cultist came running his way.

Stirfield ran in tackling the cultists to the ground. The masked person used the small distraction and ran in a punch to the face of grandpa hurdling him back into the machine.

After regaining his vision, Grandpa noticed he was leaning against the machine - he held the front of his blaster and moved it in by the back to smash the machine. The masked person pulled grandpa away from the machine holding off some room.

"Don't Ever Do That!"

"Listen to me... That machine will not do what you think it will do, that machine does something completely different, something completely out of the box."

"You're lying to me! That machine will change this world, that machine will show that even though you're a mutant you still count as a person and you have no right to die as if you were some sort of disgusting criminal."

"You're a criminal!"

"I'm a Liberator, a bringer of change to our world, so nobody would have to fall into her position. So nobody would have to DIE the same way my only lustful lover died!"

"We can help you! My family is built from half-humans, there are about a dozen of us that have half-human powers-"

"-then why are you doing this, why are you stopping me? We could work together in Liberating this world for your family."

"I would be glad to, but that machine is not how the problem will be solved."

"...I don't CARE... This our only hope of change, We are The Cult and whether you like it or not the machine will be ACTIVATED."

One of the masks disappeared from within the chamber and appeared behind grandpa. Katherine noticed this, but she couldn't do anything about it. Just as the masked was about to release its power and possibly kill grandpa, Katherines third eye opened and she snapped her fingers stopping the mask.

"You Leave ME With No Choice!" Katherine spoke out catching everybodies attention. Her voice sounded as if she was right next to them.

The machine booted up and right before everybodies eyes the portal went from a small swirling circle into one medium sized swirling circle. The masked person smiled under her mask, while Grandpa fell to his knees trying his best to control his breath.

"Majestor Lenardo? Sir! You okay? Sir!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! The mission has been completed! We have done it!"

Xene turned over to the machine with a smile on her face as she dropped Marcy.

"It's over." She fell to her knees with a smile.

Cameron with Aiden on his shoulders watched strongly as the machine started increasing in size. He took note of grandpa on the ground and decided to make his way to him.

"STOP!" A strong shout exclaimed from Grandpa who had tears in his eyes, "DON'T! EVERYBODY GET AWAY!"

A force, a strong force, or maybe a gust of wind of some sort, started pushing everybody forward, closer to the portal that was increasing in size. Everything in the room moved into the portal, some of the broken rubble moved into the portal. Katherines chamber was slightly being shaked by the portal.

Aiden who was unable to move his body looked ahead at the portal while on Cameron's shoulders.

"Everybody! Hold onto something, now! That portal will stay on for at least a full hour, so we have too hold on until it's closed, if we don't then... We're doomed!"

Marcy with her galvanic infused arm held onto the only thing that wasn't moving and that was the sphere Katherine was in. The arm wrapped around the sphere like a rope and Marcy held onto it while the portal pulled her off her feet trying to suck her in.

"Stirfield, Rayy, activate motion A and hold onto one another!"

Grandpa pressed the center of his suit five times and then the ground beneath him cracked. Stirfield and Rayy made sure they were close to grandpa as they did the same while also holding onto the neck of Nikki. The force the portal had was slowly pulling them in while anybody who didn't have the motion activated was being pulled in quickly.

"What is this! No!"

The masked person was sucked straight toward the portal. She quickly pulled through and held the outside of the machine while half of her body was already inside the machine.

"No! No! I feel it! NO! Xene! Go! Xene!"

Xene with ease was pulled right toward the portal, a part of her wanted to save the person she was loyal to, yet another part of her wanted to live on. She was close to being sucked in with her master when Marcy quickly caught her by the tail.

"No!!!!" She screamed.

"Xene it's okay..." The masked person said, "It's okay Xene... My next mission for you is to respect the fact I gave you life by living it."


"Shut up! I can still save you!" Grandpa exclaimed catching everyone off guard, "I can still save you!"

Grandpa deactivated his center piece pushing himself in, but was quickly caught by Stirfield who deactivated his center piece while holding onto Rayy who had hers activated.

Cameron had his motion activated for as long as grandpa. This was not only because he activated it late, but also because he caught sight of Aiden being sucked into the portal so he turned his piece off and pushed in right after Aiden.

"Hold On!" Cameron exclaimed.

"I'm a monster..."

"But you don't deserve to die like ONE!"

Cameron pressed the watch that was fully in red trying to turn it on somehow. When he noticed himself and Aiden reaching the portal, he stretched out his arm to catch Aiden.

Their fingers touched for the exact same amount of time Aiden had to share a glance with Katherine who was busy trying to snap her fingers again, she noticed the glance of course. Back on topic though, the time was a simple second, Cameron had no choice, but to be human as he thought about this and quickly pressed his center piece hardening his suit and dropping him to the ground just before he could catch Aiden.

Aiden was forced into the portal; he knocked into the masked person breaking her grip and pushing them both inside. The portal was still activated and Cameron was trying his best to hold on. The portal increased to become larger and the seven remaining people in the room had to hold on.

Since Cameron pulled himself in to catch Aiden he was very close to the portal and the suits wre only able to slow down the pulling process not stop it, it was inevitable to him that he would be sucked in.

Grandpa could feel his entire chest close as he realised the same thing and right before he could have a heart attack the portal built into a small box from a simple snap from Katherine.

Everything was now over... Everybody held steady in their positions. They were shocked at what just happened, because of that they had no idea on how they should be reacting.

Nikki's eyes were left widened and a weird thing accord as sparks of electricity that seemingly originated from her body went by Nikki.

Xene was completely blank minded as Marcy retracted Gals arm from the chamber. She stood up and with a strong turn punched the chamber Katherine was inside.

Katherine was still on her knees as she raised her head to look up at their grandpa, "W-what... Where are they grandpa?"

"...lost in the dimension between dimensions... Dimension Z or The Unknown ..."



Next Chapter?

A Heroes Time : Universal Extinction Special or Movie

" The inuniverse Law of This Universe shall be said "