The King will return to claim his throne

The people in the church sat quietly while they listened to the priest make his grand speech. At first the words he was saying sounded holy which meant nothing was wrong with them, but as the speech continued on they slowly started noticing how the topic was being changed.

"My dear followers, you stand before me in awe, and with good reason. For I am not just a mere mortal, but the embodiment of power and strength. I am above all, the ultimate ruler of this world. Do you know what it feels like to be invincible, to be the one in control of everything and everyone? It's a feeling beyond imagination, one that cannot be explained, only experienced. You may think that there is a force higher than me, but you are wrong. My power knows no bounds, and it is matched by no one. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. You can worship and pray to your deities all you like, but their powers are nothing compared to mine. So, bow before me, and I will grant you the privilege of being part of my kingdom, a world where only I reign supreme."

The priestess started speaking more about the rise of the true King and Jesus was just a place holder for him.

➜ [ Meanwhile ]

Cameron watched as his friends played a high-stakes poker game during recess. Other male ninth-graders gathered around the game, cheering and jeering.

"Come on, go all in!"

"Cameron, what do you think of this hand?"

Cameron smiled slightly, "It's not my hand to play," he replied.

As the game progressed, the crowd grew louder and more intense. Cameron kept a watchful eye on the game, intervening when necessary to ensure nobody did anything illegal.

"Easy there, no cheating allowed," he cautioned.

Just before they could wrap up the game and head back inside, a sudden announcement caused everyone to stop in their tracks. The intercom crackled to life as the principal's worried voice filled the air - "Attention all students, please make your way inside. There are reports of strange creatures in the school grounds. Please proceed to the designated safe zones immediately."

Panic broke out among the students, and Cameron and his friends quickly moved to comply with the instructions. However, things quickly took a turn for the worse when an army of eyeball bats swooped in from nowhere and began attacking the children.

Cameron knew he had to act quickly. He quickly ducked into a nearby broom closet.

"Thought I'd seen the last of these things." Cameron said to himself as he scanned through the omnitrix, "I struggled hard against them last time because of their size, I should give them a taste of their own medicine."

Green bubbles guided the silver rings attached onto his body and built out a metal suit of armor that climbed up to his face where his two eyes conjoined into one singular green eye. The eyes glowed green then a green flash shined.

He flew out the door and into the fray, engaging the eyeball bats in a furious battle. Dodging between them nimbly, he fired lasers out of his wrist-mounted cannons and slammed into them with all the force his tiny body could muster.

"If these guys are back, my best guess is that, the purple eyeball dude is up to this. Guess he's finally ready to unravel his master plan or something."

MicroMech flew through the air, his miniature body zipping past the small eyeball creatures that were terrorizing the school. He was quick and agile, able to dodge their attacks as he flew towards the group.

The creatures screeched as they saw MicroMech approaching and rushed towards him, their beady eyes fixed on their target.

"There's something really unsettling about eyeball creatures staring at you." MicroMech said as the creatures lunged toward him, "Now that's super gross. Eyeball creatures staring at you and then flying toward you while still staring at you."

He danced and weaved around the creatures, whizzing past them before they could even lay a finger on him. He darted in and out of their ranks, striking with quick jabs and kicks each time he got close enough.

The eyeball creatures fought back with all their might, but they were no match for MicroMech's speed and skill. Slowly but surely, he began to wear them down, taking out one after another with his quick blows.

The creatures knew that this was pointless so instead they decided to retreat - around this time the Omnitrix was getting ready to go offline so Cameron found himself a good hiding spot to turn back in.

"My mom is gonna freaking kill me for this." Cameron said as he thought about bunking school so he could follow the creatures. "The semester is almost over anyway, so it really doesn't matter that much, I hope she doesn't cancel the roadtrip Marcy promised Katherine and I."

➜ [ Moments Later ]

ThrowUp chases the little eyeball bat through the winding streets of the town. Its powerful legs propel it forward, leaving splatters of thick, slimy saliva behind as it chases the bat.

The bat weaves through narrow alleys and market stalls, dodging and darting around obstacles. But the spitting alien is relentless, quickly gaining on the bat.

Just as the spitting alien is about to grab the bat, the mummy and ghost aliens step in front of it, blocking its path.

The ghost and mummy aliens snarl, but determination sets in their eyes.

ThrowUp charges towards the two aliens, its body charging forward . But the mummy alien and ghost alien work in unison, quickly closing the distance and attacking with a flurry of punches and sweeps.

ThrowUp struggles to fend off the two attackers, but it's no match for their combined strength.

ThrowUp fights fiercely, dodging and weaving around the ghost and mummy aliens. Its thick, acidic saliva burns through the air, singeing the skin on the ghost alien's back and dissolving a few of the mummy alien's bandages.

"You will pay for that!" The ghost alien exclaimed.

But the combined efforts of the ghost and mummy alien are too much for the spitting alien. Just before anything could proceed the omnitrix flashed out a green light which blinded both the mummy and the ghost alien.

Cameron runs frantically through the winding streets of the town, his heart racing in his chest. He knows he needs to stall the ghost and mummy aliens long enough for the Omnitrix to charge up and give him a chance to transform.

"Come on, come on," he mutters under his breath, checking the Omnitrix, "You've gotta come online fast."

"You will not escape US!" The ghost alien exclaimed appearing in front of Cameron.

Cameron's heart leaps into his throat as he ducks down a narrow alleyway, hoping to gain some distance from the two aliens.

But the ghost alien is quick, appearing in front of him in a flash of blue mist. Cameron skids to a halt, backpedaling as the alien advances on him.

"You will not mess up our kings plans, he will rise today," the ghost alien growls. "We will stop you before you stop him human."

Cameron shakes his head, his hands shaking with fear. "King? What the hell are you talking about? I didn't know any of you guys had a boss."

The mummy alien appears behind him, its bandages unraveling as it reaches out with bony fingers. Cameron spins around, dodging the alien's grasp as he tries to buy himself some time.

"I'm no medic, but I think you should get that checked, dude."

The omnitrix glows green and Cameron grins before scanning to the first useful alien that could help him in the situation and transformed.

Green bubbles surrounded Cameron; Cameron's body dissolved into a bright mist before reforming into dozens of tiny clones, each wearing a different costume. They played and giggled before merging back into one: Mimick.

"You think you will be able to stop us, by using that simple transformation?" The ghost alien perked up a question.

"Insulting. Mimick isn't a simple transformation, and the goal right now isn't to stop either of you."

Mimick's duplicate power was put to the test as he formed multiple clones of himself and sent them in different directions, hoping to confuse and evade the aliens.

"Damnit!" The ghost alien exclaimed as he followed one of the clones.

As the chase raged on the clones managed to outsmart the aliens by digging a tunnel deep underground and emerging at the church.

"Whoa?!" One of the Mimicks jumped out of their tunnel, "Did you guys have the same plans as me?"

"I think the term is that you had the exact same plan as me, I'm the one who thought of this digging thing first." A Mimick said, taking credit of the plan.

"Whoa, whoa, I was the one who started digging first, it was obviously my plan." Another Mimick said.

"You guys clearly have this whole thing mixed up, I was the one who thought of it, I was the one who ran first so it was clearly my idea to think of digging." One of the Mimicks said.

"That's because you're a coward!" The first Mimick to speak exclaimed.

"Yeah! Only cowards do that stuff." The third Mimick to speak agreed.

"I think you're all cowards..." The ghost alien said with its chilling voice as it emerged from under the ground. "Each and every one of you are cowards."

The mummy alien walked up to the Mimicks with one of them captured in his bandages.

"H-hey guys." The Mimick greeted a bit hesitantly.

"Auw c'mon! Don't tell us you snitched." Mimick raised a question out of irritation.

"I didn't snitch, they just knew we were here I swear." The Mimick tried defending himself.

"Doesn't matter... You're all dead, anyway." The ghost alien said.

"We'll see about that."

Outside the church, the three of them began to battle fiercely.

"Damnit!" The ghost alien exclaimed searching around for the Mimicks that were using their mole like powers to hide away, "Show yourself cowards!"

The mummy alien and the ghost alien were taken aback by the Mimicks maneuver and suddenly found themselves struggling to fight off multiple versions of him. They were fast, but the Mimicks were faster, they continued using their digging tactic to confuse the two aliens.

As the battle waged on, the Mimick clones proved to be too much for the aliens to handle. The Mimicks even managed to disarm the mummy alien by holding him down by his bandages creating an opening for themselves to deal the finishing blow.

"Time for the final cherry t-"

However, just as Mimick was about to deliver the final strike, the Omnitrix went offline, and Cameron was transformed back into his human form.

"Perfect." Cameron said with sarcasm, he then looked up at the mummy and the ghost, "I understand that I hurt you guys when I transformed, but you have to understand, those guys-"

"Shut up human! We don't have time for your stupid bantering, we will end you here and now."

The mummy and ghost aliens sneered, knowing they had the upper hand. Cameron though had a plan up his sleeve, he skillfully goaded them into attacking each other, using their own abilities such as the mummy alien's whips to cause the ghost alien to get caught up and vice versa.

The clumsy dispatching of each other resulted in the mummy alien getting entangled in its own whip and the ghost alien phasing into a nearby tree.

➜ [ Meanwhile ]

"I know what you're thinking," The preist began, his voice commanding attention. "How can I possibly claim to be higher than the deities that people have worshipped for centuries? It's simple - because it is the truth."

The congregation stirred uncomfortably, whispers and murmurs spreading throughout the pews. One woman stood up, her face etched with concern.

"Father John, I don't understand," she said hesitantly. "How can you possibly think that you're superior to the gods that people have revered for centuries? That's blasphemy."

Father John smiled condescendingly, casting his gaze over the assembled crowd. "Blasphemy? No, my dear. It is merely a fact. The gods you humans worship may be powerful, but they are limited by their domains. They cannot be all things to all people. But I, as a king, can help anyone in need."

Another parishioner, an elderly man, stood up shakily. "But Father, who are you to say that you have more power than the Almighty? Are you not a mere mortal, like the rest of us?"

Father John's expression darkened, his eyes burning with barely controlled fury. "I am no mere mortal, my friend. I myself am I King, I myself am I god, blessed with the ability to guide you all on the right path. It is my duty to help you and show you the way."

The crowd grew increasingly uneasy, and several people whispered urgently to one another, exchanging anxious glances.

However, one young man decided he had had enough of Father John's bizarre claims. Standing up, he faced the priest squarely.

"Father John, what you're saying is ridiculous and arrogant. You're no higher than the rest of us," he said firmly. "What makes you think that you have the right to decide our fates?"

Father John sneered, shaking his head. "You young people are all the same. So full of doubts and mistrust. I tell you, I am here to help you all. You just lack the faith to see it."

The young man gritted his teeth, refusing to back down. "No, Father. We know what you're trying to do. You're trying to manipulate us, make us believe that you're some sort of god-like figure. But you're not. You're just a man, like anyone else."

The parishioners burst into applause, their admiration for the young man's brave stand apparent. Father John, however, looked furious enough to burst into flames as he glared down at the crowd.

A bunch of bat creatures flew into the church surrounding the people as they screamed on terror. The priestess slowly floated into the sky as he glared down at the people.

"I see you've all made up your minds," he spat. "But know this - you will never find the truth in this godless world without my guidance. I will save you though, just fall under my control and you will finally see the error of your ways and you will be saved... Not father John, Quote Vladious..."

A green sludge broke through one of the church windows and hit Vladious across the face. Munch rammed down the wall of the window.

"I see that you have finally come to meet your king! Sadly my true capabilities are being held back by this human body that has slow adaption skills, I was hoping that I would first get fill control before we met once more."

"Yes!" Munch lunched his arm down in excitement, "I knew it was you, I was like thinking, is it that guy, is it not that guy, but, Nah, Nah I was right, it was that guy."

"I am no simple guy, I am a king, I am your future God, I am Lord Vladious! So don't you dare disrespect me by refering to me as a simple guy."

Munch rolled his eyes, "Oh my bad Lord Vlady, I didn't know you were sensitive."

Vladious unleashed a powerful energy beam from his hand, which Munch skillfully dodged. Munch lunged forward, attempting to grab Vladious, but Vladious quickly phased through the wall, evading Munch's attack.

Munch ate one of the neatly placed chairs in the church and turned over to Vladious, "I'm starting to feel like I should've named Munch, ThrowUp, what do you think!" He exclaimed as he released a green energy ball from his mouth - Vladious moved up causing the ball to breakthrough a window.

Vladious retaliated by using his Vladat powers to manipulate the shattered glass, forming sharp shards that he hurled at Munch. "Nope!" Munch quickly reacted, eating them and releasing it as a powerful blast at Vladious.

"Pathetic!" Vladious exclaimed, "You can't beat me with this transformation, change into something better, change into a form that will overwhelm me to the point of bowing."

"You're insulting an entire race right now."

The fight raged on, with Munch and Vladious exchanging shots and destroying parts of the church.

"Maybe you were bluffing about the capabilities of that device you dub the omnitrix."

"I'm just warming up my true power-" The omnitrix flashed green reverting Cameron back into his human self.

He knew he now had just five minutes until he could transform again, and Lord Vladious was already marching towards him, his dark cloak billowing behind him.

"You know, Vladious, you're not much of a king if you have to fight me by yourself," Cameron taunted, hoping to buy himself some time.

Vladious scowled at him. "Silence, boy. You do not understand the grandeur of my power."

Cameron rolled his eyes. "Oh sure, you're king over all the rats and roaches down here. Very impressive."

Vladious's eyes glinted with anger and he lunged at Cameron, his nails poised for a strike. Cameron dodged and weaved, making sure he kept a safe distance from the deadly strike. He knew he couldn't fight Vladious head-on in his human form, but stalling was his only option.

"You think you're so clever, young one," Vladious growled, his nails slicing through the air with ferocity. "But you will soon learn the true meaning of my power."

Cameron laughed, even as he darted away from another vicious swing. "Oh I'm sure I will. Meanwhile, how about you learn the true meaning of getting your ass kicked by a fifteen-year-old?"

"So you've been taunting me this entire time, you first teased the fact you're capable of transforming into powerful beings now you taunt me by using this young weak form of yours."

"I wouldn't say weak form, this is kinda of like my best form, primal form you could say, what about you Mr Vladious, where's your primal form?- oh yeah I forgot you're not strong enough to grab hold of it anymore."

"A death wish is clearly what you ask for."

Vladious bellowed in rage, his lasers whistling towards Cameron's head. Cameron ducked and darted away, trying to stay alive for five more minutes.

The omnitrix finally glowed green building a smirk onto Cameron's face. He pressed through the omnitrix while running around the church.

"If normal fists don't work, then let's just hope WoodWorks!" Cameron exclaimed slamming the dial into place.

Following the dimming of the light the fight instantly started.

The sounds of their attacks echoed through the halls as Vladious unleashed a barrage of energy beams towards WoodWorks. The wooden hero morphed his arms into a long wooden spear and managed to deflect the blasts with his wooden defense.

Vladious taunted WoodWorks, "You may have strength, but you lack finesse and sophistication. Your wooden power is nothing compared to my superior powers."

WoodWorks replied with a simple, "English."

WoodWorks then took advantage of his connection to the ground and sent a series of roots to wrap around Vladious' legs, restricting his movements. Vladious countered by transforming into a ball of energy, breaking free from the roots and flying towards WoodWorks.

"Dooon't.... Mooove..." WoodWorks groaned.

"This human body may be weak, but I am still capable of using some of my abilities, that's at least good."

WoodWorks then morphed his hands into a pair of sharp wooden claws and slashed Vladious, but the Vladat transformed into electricity and zapped WoodWorks, knocking him down. The wooden hero was quick to recover, however, and stretched his wooden arm towards Vladious, aiming to grab him.

Vladious transformed into sound waves, slipping through WoodWorks' grasp and landing behind him. The wooden hero then morphed his body into a large wooden shield, blocking Vladious' energy beams.

The two then exchanged blow after blow, each trying to overpower the other. Vladious moved back panting revealing the scars on his human body and all the blood around him.

"I take back what I said, this body is pathetic, I have no ideal clue how it is unable to handle a simple transformation, it gets strained after every change I take."

"Weeeaaak..." WoodWorks groaned.

"I, a king, Weak? That is insulting, I am not weak, your people are weak, if I had my original body, then you would be kneeling before me."

"Suuure." WoodWorks groaned.

The fight continued for what seemed like hours, with both combatants using the environment to their advantage.

WoodWorks would use the wooden pews in the church to create barriers while Vladious would use the walls to rebound his energy attacks towards his opponent.

To end the fight WoodWorks used his fist to break through the ground and deck Vladious in the jaw, pushing the Vladat through the roof of the church. WoodWorks stretched after Vladious and just as he was about to counter the omnitrix glowed green reverting WoodWorks into Cameron.

Cameron's transformation reverting back to human left Vladious momentarily disoriented, but he soon regained his composure.

"Ha! You can't defeat me, young human. You may have a few tricks up your sleeve with that wooden body of yours, but you lack the power to truly best me," sneered Vladious.

Cameron remained calm and confident, even though he was worried inside. "I may not have the power to defeat you alone, but I have some friends who can help me."

Vladious laughed. "Friends? As far as I know all your friends are humans and neither of them possess your power boy..."

"It's Cameron Lenardo and I'm fifteen pretty much a teen which makes me a man, which also makes me old enough to join the peacemakers."

"Peacemakers? What weak affiliation is that?"

Suddenly, a group of people dressed in blue suits with strange devices emerged from the shadows. "We're not weaklings, Vladious. We're the peacemakers," said their leader.

The peacemakers surrounded Vladious, trying to restrain him. Vladious pushed them off with ease, but they managed to hold down his human body.

Vladious' essence began to escape.

"This is not over Cameron Lenardo... This is not over by a longshot... The King will return to claim his throne!"