Lurking in the dark

A few hours before the team arrived at Mandalore

Planet Coruscant level unknown

"Move that ass private!!!" Said the leader as he also runs for his life who is a light trooper same as the private


'Click clack'

There are many foot steps sounds from behind them.

The private looks back as he is running only to keeps seeing darkness with the occasional lights, as he looks closer at the lights he see things moving by them really fast and the hairs on his back stand up even more.

The private 'Gulps'

As they near there target ambush spot the private suddenly trips, he looks down only to see a tentacle on his ankle, there is a chill down his back he finally broke free of his shock and grabbed his pistol only for him to be pulled back and he drops it.

"NO NO NO, CAPTAIN!!!" he screams while digging his finger in the floor to get a grip to hold on.

The captain looks back and sees more of those things coming knowing the outcome if he dies too and says "hold on, I'm coming "

The captain runs up to him and cuts the tentacle with his knife and the private runs. The captain gets up then shoots to hold them back while the private gets away.


The captain looks down and find too many tentacles on his body to move anymore.

"Ahhh" screams the captain as he is pulled into the unknown, Then all was heard was munching sounds

The private jumps a small wall and says "there right behind me blast it!!"

"You heard him do it" says Ralph to the trooper with a commanding detonator



As rubble and other debris falls, some are large and small alike landing on the beings they call monsters killing them instantly.

The other troopers cheer as they see the monsters die but some are still looking at the bigger picture.

"Good job private, the sacrifices that was made today is worth it. As long as we get these new monsters back to the research division and analyze them the value would definitely be worth it." Said Ralph who was patting his shoulder and was the leader on this front but not the commander.

"But the captain-" said the private

"-Will be missed" said Ralph with a straight and sad face it also looks like he's forcing him self to make this sad face

'Hopefully we got some good results from this or imma get chewed by the commander for losing many men.' Ralph

The commander is giving Tod and Ralph orders from his HQ on one of the levels in Coruscant. The commander has designated Tod's base as Charlie and Ralph base Lima

Once everything settled down the troopers went to see what they can scavenge from the rubble. They mostly want the monsters bodies especially if there intact otherwise they have to get samples as many as they can get.

These monsters proved to hard to capture for them and because of the fight on the higher floors was tough most of the resources went to Tod's team, especially better quality men. The gangs tactics where tough mostly because of how long they been there and held power. The Commander deemed it fit to send more resources there way. In the Commander eyes it should be easy job that Ralph has just clearing and bring new beings for them to study, but also take less losses.

The commander told Ralph if it's to risky and a major lost at losing men then don't do it, most of the time Ralph was told to stand down but when Ralph wanted a win against these creatures he we all out disobeying protocol in trying to capture one but ended in failure, there was just to many of them.

This time he at least killed some by ambush, now it's quite he thinks there all dead.

"Move in and collect all samples you can find off these beast." Stated Ralph in a commanding tone with a expression like he just won a tough battle

What he failed to notice was more pares of eyes looking at him and his men, these ones body stature seem much more battle harden


Back on Mandalore - Concordia

Landing on the moon of Concordia Maree Brimarch and her team exits and looks around, it's less populated than there home world but that maybe because everyone is congregated in that dome.

As they take a ride to his office they noticed to air is different also probably because different environments even tho there home world has trees these just something different about it that makes it unique.

Once at his office they asked to see him and the person working the front desk said he will be in tomorrow and asked who would like to see him Maree Brimarch said it's Hydra, and so the team waited for the next day while viewing the city.

Meanwhile in Pre Vizsla he asked "Is there any intel on this group that wants to see me."

His assistant replies while viewing there data pad "Not really, there a small mercenary group, looks like just started, there HQ seems to be located on Tatooine. It seems they just left from visiting the Dutches Satine."

"Interesting, do you think she hired them to find death watch." Pre Vizsla Asked

"Unlikely, she would want to solve this as an internal problem and avoid outside intervention." Says the assistant while shaking there head

"Then I wonder what brings them here." Pre Vizsla says while he turns his chair around to look out the window

The next day in Pre Vizsla office, Maree Brimarch and Ghost is sitting in his office discussing partnership for mandalorians who wants to get hired as mercenaries or teachers in combat.

As they are drawing a contract, Maree Brimarch is explaining the uses for HT coins in Hydra. As Pre Vizsla is viewing a HT coin he notices it's details and on one side it's the same as Maree Brimarch.

He looks at her guard and sees his symbol and plans to investigate this later but for now it all sounds good a little too good. He thinks as he squinting his eyes at the coin

"It all sounds good but what are you getting out of this?" Pre Vizsla Asked

With a confused look on her face she says "Well you will be training our troops and experience in battles across your life time."

Pre Vizsla squints at her and still find it suspicious then says "I will think about it then and give you a call."

With a little hesitation Maree Brimarch goes on to say "if you happen to come across one of your Mandalorian vault hydra would be extremely interested in trade for it." She ends with a straight face

'Ahh so this is your true goal, and it's finally revealed it self.' Pre Vizsla thinks to him self with a smile

"Sure I can but what can you trade with it.?" He asked

"You can ask us to kill anyone but Dutches Satine." Maree Brimarch says after thinking for a while

"I don't know how good you are or if you will really follow threw with that you said, and mostly I don't need you if I want someone killed I'll do it my self." He replied

"What do you want?" Asked Maree Brimarch

"How about a favor, you'll owe me." He said

Maree Brimarch frowns at this and thinks to her self for a few minutes "it can not be joining you in some war."

Pre Vizsla smiles and says "little missy a favor is a favor what ever it maybe." While leaning back on his chair

Maree Brimarch looks at Ghost and he nods, she looks back at Pre Vizsla and says with a serious face "The vault first then the favor not the other way around."

"It's a deal then." Pre Vizsla says as he thinks of ways to get the favor before the handoff


Coruscant level 2000

Tod and his team has taken many levels on this world but they can only do so much, meeting resistance when getting closer to the upper levels has slowed progress, he is wondering when should he report this in.

Tod has been utilizing GEMINI Prime with her calculation abilities for the best places to set up on different levels after scouting them and then....evicting out the local gang. "When do you think we will meet to much resistance and can't utilize local gangs to move up." Tod asked

"By my calculations the next level is where we should stop at security is tight and the orders are to not garner to much attention, it's best to stop here and focus on management as the local gangs are unifying to oppose us." GEMINI Prime states

"Hmm, sounds like a plan we'll do just that hopefully Ralph is doing better than we are. But knowing him…." Tod was saying before being interrupted by a trooper saying one of the gangs are attacking on a floor below, so he rushes to the scene.


In other places in the outer rim due to how popular some part's are with hydra mercenaries mainly the officials, some are interested in long term contracts with them and others want a cut in the stakes of what hydra makes.

At The Continental Hotel on a planet in the outer rim

In the mangers office

"So you want to invest in Hydra.. i can probably make that happen." Says the manager with a cigar in his mouth

"Yes and you guys help us in return" says the Neimoidian as he smiles