Chapter 19 - Oops? (1) R +18

After I was titled and technically knighted I was in a bit of a daze and was about to head back to the table I was sitting at to get my mind together, I was stopped by a group of people.

It took me a while to get through to everyone, they all mostly just wanted to congratulate me, which I appreciated, but there were others who were trying to hit on me, which I just found annoying. But I eventually made it through the crowd and back to Oryn, who was smiling at me oddly.

"...Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked with suspicion, "Were you a part of this?"

"Me?! Of heavens no, I just wanted to congratulate you, Sir Viscount~." He teased.

"Er- Please don't call me that, this is embarrassing as is!" I said as I sat down

"Hahaha! Relax I'm just teasing you, but I really had no idea that would happen!" The Duke continued, "I knew that my cousin was petty but not that petty."

"Tell me about it! Giving me the title of Lieutenant Colonel just because I stopped an attack, it's preposterous!"

"I wouldn't say that exactly, it's just his way of keeping eyes on you and keeping you from leaving the kingdom."

"Haaaa, whatever can I borrow a cigarette and a lighter, I'm going to take a smoke brain to clear my mind." I asked

"Sure, just make sure to return it to me once your done," He said handing me an unopened pack and his lighter.

"Of course, I'm not a thief after all."

I went back in after almost an hour, the ballroom was still as busy as it was when we first arrived. At some point during my break outside I had popped my head back in for a bottle of wine, but ended up grabbing a bottle of whiskey and a cup instead. As I was walking back to our table from the terrace I saw Oryn take a glass of wine from someone, who saw me coming their way and ran away.

"Who was that?" I asked him.

"Just one of the daughters of Marquiss Sebastian, why do you ask?" he said while taking a sip of the red wine.

"I'm just curious, what exactly did you do while I was out?" I handed him back his lighter and the cigarette case that now had six left in it.

"Oh, I just danced with people here and there, and now I'm taking a small break, how was the air outside?" He jested.

"It was lovely, in fact, I even got to enjoy a bottle of whiskey while I was out there."

"Well that does sound quite nice, perhaps I could join you for a drink sometime," He offered.

"Pfft- In your dreams pretty boy! Anyways, are you going to have any more dances tonight?"

"Ho? Are you trying to ask me for a dance? It's quite cute," He tried.

"HUH!? No! Stop trying, you know you're not going to ever get a chance!" I jested.

"Come now, you are hurting my feelings. But why do you ask?"

"I wanted to know because i wanted to leave soon, I'm starting to get tired," I admitted.

"Hmmm, I suppose it has gotten quite late now, hasn't it? Well, we can leave now if you really want, just know that I will tease you about it!" He joked and smiled an innocent smile at me.

"Ur! You really- whatever let's just go," I commented as i stood up and started walking.

Alright, I'll go call a carriage- mmm," he groaned.

"!" I then whipped my head around and saw Oryn clutching his head and heart, "What's wrong!?"

"My head just started hurting and I feel a little hot," He confirmed, his eyes looked distracted and out of focus, Oryn then started to lose his balance.

"Hey! Duke Casilda, this isn't the right time or place for a prank!" I said as I caught him mid-fall.

'Shit! He's burning up!'

I then rushed outside while supporting him and my shoulders, i quickly reached our carriage that was waiting outside.

"Takes us back to the estate, and quick!" I ordered while climbing inside. 

When I got inside I sat him down on the seat and sat next to him, he was breathing heavily and felt very hot. He kept on groaning and rubbing his knees together, he was also nuzzling up to me.

'Was he drugged or something? If so it was probably the girl who gave him that wine, it smelled rather suspicious.'

"Ugh, Le…v!" he grunted while grabbing onto the sleeve of my jacket. 


We arrived back at the Estate 20 minutes later, and the Duke's condition was not improving.

I rushed back into the mansion, "My Lord-" Victor started to say to me, he was with Asher who was carrying some papers.

"Get me a clean rag and cold water, make it quick as well," I commanded while cutting Victor off and rushing Oryn up to his room.



From this point on there will be:

Male x Male

Non-consensual sexual acts

And R +18

If you would like you can count this as Non-Canon to the story, it won't affect the plot or storyline at all. Feel free to skip if it makes you uncomfortable.


When I got to Oryn's room I immediately laid him on his bed and took my shoes off, a maid then brought a bowl filled with water and a white cloth dipped halfway in it. I took it from her and ordered her to tell the guards not to let anyone in until I left the room unless something of emergency happened outside.

After she left the room I locked the door and took off Oryn's Jacket, shoes, and jewelry. I then unbuttoned the top of his shirt, after doing that I soaked the cloth in water and rung it on to put on Oryn's forehead.

After I was finished I got up to go give Victor an order, but before I could get even a foot away from the bed I felt a hand tug at my sleeve, "Duke Casilda?!"

"Lev…don't go…"

"I have to go tell Victor something, it'll only take a sec-" I stopped when i looked down and noticed a bulge in his trousers. He was hard. I then realized that he was drugged using an aphrodisiac, which put me in quite a difficult position.


"Duke-san, I won't leave the room but I think it's best if I-" I was cut off by him pulling my head down towards him and kissing me.

I quickly pushed him away, "Duke Casilda!?"

Oryn then grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the bed underneath him, he then started to take my jacket off. I tried my best to push him off of me but he just wouldn't budge, he then started to kiss me.

"Mmph!" I struggled underneath him but he was too strong. I then felt something sneak its way into my mouth, it was his tongue!

'Fuck! Just what the hell is going on!? There was nothing about this or any other things like this in the novel, so why me!?'

He then stopped kissing me, and instead, he ripped open my shirt and started to trail down my neck while kissing my skin. "Mmh!" I moaned.

I had to admit, he was pretty good in bed. But I knew that this was wrong so while he was doing that I was still trying to push him off of me, but that wasn't working so I pushed his face away from my torso.

But when I looked at his face, I immediately was taken aback. His cheeks were flushed with pink and his eyes looked lustful, his tongue was still out in a seductive manner. I then released his head in a fit of embarrassment and surprise, and he just went back to what he was doing.

I then covered my face with my hands to try and calm myself down, considering i was starting to get turned on as well.

'This isn't right…and it's not like I can just knock him out'

Oryn then started to take both mine and his belt off, "Huh!? No, Stop that!" I yelled and tried my hardest to stop him.

'Ain't no way I'm losing my virginity to a drugged man!'

Unfortunately, I was unable to stop him, considering he then placed a spell that bound my hands above me, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can stop," he apologized and then started to strip himself and me.

He left me with only my shirt on and unbuttoned, while he was completely naked. He threw our clothes onto the floor around the bed, in case I managed to get out of the speel and try something. He then grabbed a condom from the drawers next to his bed and started to open it.

'Well, at least he uses a condom. But i do not want to go that far!'

I struggled to break the spell and escape from underneath him, but I utterly failed. After my struggle, he started to finger me and put the condom on. "Mmmhhhhh," I moaned. I couldn't help, if you were in this situation I'm sure, you would also feel a bit of pleasure.

"You know, for someone who doesn't want this, you seem to like it an awful lot," Oryn teased. I could tell that he still was sober, his face was still flushed and he was still breathing heavily and was still quite hot. In both ways.

"Ugh…how could I not be aroused when you're literally fingering me- Mmhh!" I groaned.

Oryn then looked at me, and he seemed more aroused than he had previously. It seemed to me like the drug was starting to have more effect, considering he then started to put his D*** in my private shaft.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA, Hold on now- MMPH!?" I moaned as he slammed into me. Oryn looked like he could barely contain himself, it seemed that the more sexual acts he did, the stronger the drug got.

'This…Is going to be a long night isn't it?'


I woke up the next morning still in his bed with an aching back, and ass. I got dressed back into the shirt and pants I was in last night and picked up the rest of my clothes, I then went back to my room to take a nice long bath and change into clean clothes.

Victor gave me my schedule for the day and surprisingly asked if I was okay. To which I replied that I was not and asked him to get me some pain medication, and after he did I ordered him to leave my office until I called him back.

"M'Lord, are you sure you don't need anything else?" He confirmed.

"...Could you perhaps bring me some pain medication?" I asked with a bit of hesitation.

"I would be happy too."


"Your Grace it's time to get up, it's almost noon," Asher said with concern.

"Ughh, what time is it actually? If it's 10 o'clock I'm going back to sleep," Oryn demanded.

"Uh, it's 11:15, my Lord."

"Haaa, fine. I think I stayed up too late last night, would you mind helping me get dressed?"

"Of course, oh and I made sure to clean up you're room before you awoke."

"Clean it…!" The Duke's face then suddenly turned red as he remembered the events of the night before.


you and the Viscount-san seemed to have quite a lot of fun, we could hear the both of you from the hallway," Asher joked.

"...I…think i owe some people a few apologies…"