Chapter 27 - His Liege (3) R+18



This chapter will contain; 

Male x male

Gay sex

And cringe

Be advised

Also, feel free to skip if it makes you uncomfy but you might miss some crucial info


It took me a bit to process what he said, at first I thought he meant he had to touch me directly with just his hand to be able to cleanse it, but then I realized what he actually meant.

"H-HUH!?" I stuttered and then looked to the side adverting his gaze, "You mean we have to do…that."

"I understand if you don't but it would be much easier, plus I don't think you'd hate it as much as the other way…" Arwan reasoned.

"Haaa, I wouldn't hate, I just…I don't know, what's the other way?" I questioned.

"The other way would be to find someone with the light element and have them pour that element into you but, since you're a half-dark elf, it would do more bad than good," Arwan admitted.

'Fuckkk, i don't want to do it with a guy I just met, but it beats almost dying or cutting my limbs off.'

I thought about it a bit more, then i realized the benefits of, ahem…sleeping with a dragon…and decided on my answer.

"Alright…since you think that is what's best then I'll trust you on this, but if you try anything funny after this," I paused and glared at him, "you'll be dead meat."

"Heh, understood, then…um, where should I start," he said standing up from the stool he was sitting on.

"Ur- I don't exactly have a preference," I mumbled while sitting up straight and taking my jacket off of my lap and onto the floor.

"Okay, then how about this?" Arwan then took his sword from his waist and put in on the floor next to the bed, then he got on the bed and started to scootch closer to me.

"Y-y'know what maybe this isn't a good ide- mph!" as I started to panic Arwan then kissed me, not letting me finish my sentence, " Ar-Arwan."

He then pulled away with a flushed expression, "Sorry, I just couldn't hold back anymore…" he said with a look of desperation.

Before I could ask what he meant he leaned forward and kissed me again, this time I could feel something hot and slimy enter my mouth. 

'Damn, he's really going at it.'

While still kissing me, he took his jacket and boots off, then he moved down to my neck, which was naked since I didn't have my usual turtle neck under my clothes, i also was just shirtless in general, with only bandages on me to make it look like i was injured.

"Ah-" I moaned as he started sucking on the skin near my collarbone.

"My liege…you taste great," he then bit my shoulder and started sucking there, with will result in a hickey after, which I was not happy with.

'Don't tell me he's one of those types!'

I was suddenly reminded of a trope in smut novels that my sister often recommended to me, there was always one of the leads who was obsessed with the other for a long time but had to hold themself back until they got their moment.


Arwan then stopped for a moment and took his shirt off, where I could see his abs. He had an eight-pack, and they were quite chiseled. Curious I then started to put my hand on his chest, then I decided not to and pulled my hand back, but before i could he grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest.

"You can touch me if you'd like," He said kissing me again, this time I felt the demonic, or what I assumed to be it, start to leave my body.

It finally started to work, only after he started using his tongue and both of our chests were touching. However there was barely any demonic energy coming out, and my marks weren't even starting to fade.

Then I decided to actually try to enjoy this while I could, so I put my arms around his neck, which might have been a mistake. A couple of seconds after I placed my arms there, he immediately put my back on the bed and deepened our kiss.

"Mmm, mph!" I struggled to breathe, but the kiss felt so good that I didn't want to break it.

Noticing my struggle, he stopped kissing me and instead started to go down to my lower half and stopped right where my friend was starting to grow where he asked, "Would you mind if I sucked it for a bit?"

"!" I was taken by surprise, "Sorry but I rather you wouldn't," I said covering my face to stop him from seeing my blush.

"Alright…" He said sitting up and starting to undo my belt and pants.

As he did that I pulled his head down, closer to mine and I started to kiss him, then he went over to my right ear and started to lick and bite it.

"Ah!" I moaned, I looked down toward where his hands were and saw that he was starting to play with my balls, " Ahh!" I moaned again, covering my mouth with my hands.

"My liege, that was really cute, please keep on making those sounds for me," Arwan said taking my hand from my mouth and using one of his hands to mess with my tongue as he undid his buckle and tried to take my pants off.

I grabbed his hand where it was trying to take off my pants and helped him, then i took both of them and tried to take his off while he was still playing with my tongue. When I almost got them down he took his fingers out of my mouth and started to go down to my now-naked ass.

"Hey, it's- mmph! Only fair if you take your pants off as well!" I said trying to hold back my moans as he started to finger me.

"AH! My liege so dirty!" he then took them off at my suggestion and i could finally get a good glimpse of what thing he was about to put in me.

"Urgh! You're not actually planning on putting that in me, are you? It won't fit!" I protested trying to shove him away from me.

"Shhh, don't worry, it'll be fine," he said taking his fingers and instead inserting his monstrous cock into my hole.

"AHHHH!" I moaned with pleasure as he thrust his whole d!ck into me, and then he continued to thrust into me like someone who was drugged with an aphrodisiac, and trust me, I know what that both looks and feels like.

"You're so cute," He grunted bringing my leg onto his shoulder and looking at me with hungry eyes, "Haaa, if only this weren't under the current circumstances."

"What do y- mmmph! Haa! Mean?" I moaned trying to make my words sound like an actual sentence.

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about it. Hey…ug!…can I call you Lev?" Arwan asked with an innocent look on his face and tilting his head like a puppy, while still fucking me.

"Mm! Sure, but you don't need to as-ahhh!" I moaned as his thrust became quicker and more powerful, resulting in me cumming.

Arwans eyes then open wide in excitement and he started to kiss me while still doing what he was before, while stroking my cock making me hard again.

I was about to cum again when he blocked me from doing so and said to me in a deep voice, "Not yet, I wanna come with you this time."


It was the next morning when I woke up and my back was aching, I looked over to see Arwan lying next to me and hugging me from behind. I tried to get up from the bed but he wouldn't let go of me, so I just lied back down since I was too tired from the night before.

A few moments later Arwan finally awoke and said good morning to me, which i said in return and tried to get back up again, but he once again stopped me from doing so.

"Arwan, I need to get up and get ready for the day," I scolded him.

"Can't you just stay here for a bit longer? Plus we don't even know if all of the demonic energy is out yet," He said with a pleading expression and looked at me with lovesick eyes, right at that moment the sun sprayed him from behind, which made him look extra good-looking.

"...Fine, but don't try anything…" I told him while I layed back down.

Half an hour later Arwan fell back asleep and I got out of bed, though my back hurt like hell, I still went and got dressed and did some work at the desk. Arwan woke up when I was halfway done with the stack of papers on my desk.

"My liege? Why are you up? You should be in bed resting," Arwan said with concern visible on his face.

"Arwan, don't try to lecture me when you're one of the reasons I'm in pain right now," I scolded him, pointing out what happened the night before, "If you want to say anything to you're 'Liege' i would rather it be a report of what happened on the battlefield and how long I was out."

"Right…My apologies," He apologized and paused before giving me his report.

His report was as such; as soon as he got to the battlefield he started to search for me, but when he finally found me he saw that there were two people near me clearly about to try and kill me, and then Alastair who was running over to help me. 

When Arwan saw the two people it angered him, as to not hurt me he decided to kill the people on Melchom's and Gales's side to get them to run away so he could then eliminate them. Though he was able to take out Melchom, Gale and Dax still got away while the rest of the demon brigade either fled with them are died.

"I see…Well keep up the good work, since there are no longer any more demons to deal with I'm planning on heading home with the rest of the 4th knight's order, would you like to come along as a reward for you're efforts?" I asked him.

'If I can remember correctly he said he wished he could go with Lev anywhere, so why not use that wish to its fullest?'

"Really?! But wait, what about you're other knight, wouldn't he be upset?"

"Who? Victor? He'll be fine, it's not like he's my only subordinate or my lover, besides he's more of a butler than a knight anyway," I assured him.

"If it really is alright for me to come with you then i would be happy to! Would you like me to go and report to General Alastair that you are planning to depart?" Arwan asked.

"No, I'll go myself, it would look bad if I sent my subordinate instead of myself going to support."


I knocked on the door three times before being let in, where i was then greeted by a frowning General who was slumped over his desk with papers and a half-empty bottle of whiskey.

"Pardon me for intruding General, but I have something to report to you," I greeted Alastair.

"Oh, hello Lit. Col I'm assuming you've fully recovered?" The General asked and I nodded in reply to which he asked, "What is it you wish to report to me?"

"My apologies but I've found that my work is done here so I was planning on going back to my territory now, so I have some paperwork to hand over to you," I then reported to him while putting a file on his desk.

"Is that so? The paperwork is already done, right? If it's not, oh~ if I find this work to be even half finished!-" He started to say before I cut him off.

"Well I think it's time for my carriage to arrive, thank you for you're time and aid General, I greatly appreciated it!"

I then scurried away as fast as I could, i then saw Arwan outside by the carriage helping the other knights load the bags into the back of the carriage and the the carriage behind mine.

"Time to go everyone! It's a long journey home so let's try to get there by sunset four days later!" shouted the order at everyone, and they all rep

lied with a 'Yes Sir!'

After that, I got on the carriage with Arwan and the knights got in their assigned positions and we were off back to Zyon City.