Enjoy It Yourself, Trash

Su Ying found a pool of spring water on a hillock. When she looked around and saw that there was no one around, she used a pipe to channel as much spring water as possible into her interspatial store. After the apocalypse, clean water was also very scarce, so she didn't have much water stored in her interspatial store.

After she had filled all the containers in her interspatial store, she washed her face and rinsed her mouth downstream of the spring water. She felt much more refreshed after she had washed herself clean.

Su Ying then took out a lifeform-detection device and set it up on the hill to see if there were any wild animals around. However, after the device completed one scan, it found nothing except two wild hares.

Su Ying skinned the wild hares and cleaned up the bodies before returning to the foot of the hill.

By then, the sky had already darkened, and the officials were distributing dry food.