Can You Be Eaten

When he was searching for Chu Yun just now, he did meet some familiar people. Two of them were his previous gatekeepers. A few days ago, Jiang Yang had secretly contacted them. He asked them not to follow him for the time being, in case they were all wiped out in an accident.

The others were people who had served in the Prince's Palace before. He was unfamiliar with many of them. Other than the gatekeepers, they were not his trusted aides. They might even be spies sent by other people, so he would not take the initiative to bring them to his side.

When that letter was discovered, it did not mention any other generals, so there were not many generals who were implicated. Most of the live-in guests in his house were sent away before he was convicted. Only Chu Yun insisted on staying, and he was also sent to prison eventually. Jiang Yang and Wang Lang both held the same position, so they were both convicted at the same time.