What Do You Guys Want?

After galloping for a while, Su Ying felt that it was too slow to let the horses carry Jiang Yang and his companion, so she gave them some medicine to help them fall asleep. Then she brought the horse with the two men into the interspatial store so that she could increase her speed.

Without the need to worry about those two men, Su Ying could move much faster now. However, she didn't travel for long before she saw a dozen people blocking her way.

Those people couldn't hide their surprise when they saw Su Ying running in their direction with the wild wolves. They only clenched the swords in their hands tightly and glared at her when she got closer.


The other party didn't waste any time and immediately attacked.

Su Ying narrowed her icy eyes and yanked the tow rope in her hand abruptly. The rope activated the collar locks on the wolves' necks, and the pain from their necks caused them to howl in a mad rage.