Anyone Who Dared Touch Her People Was Courting Death

The impatient mercenaries surrounded Xiao Jin.

The gatekeepers who had been hiding among the criminals saw that Xiao Jin was in danger and stepped out to protect him.

"The employer said that we can't let his offspring off the hook either. Send someone to go after them."

"Yes, Sir."

"Xiao Jin, we have been very kind to let you live until now. Accept your death now." 

The mercenaries all drew the flexible whip swords at their waists and went charging at Xiao Jin.

Dozens of mercenaries encircled Xiao Jin's group of three, leaving them no chance of escaping.

Xiao Jin brandished the dagger in his hand and quickly hit back, but there were simply too many enemies. It was difficult for him to fight against two. Soon, he had many new injuries on his body.