I Really Hate Violence


The pack of wolves suddenly let out a low, wary growl, their eyes staring straight ahead.

Su Ying clenched her fists and stared ahead warily. Soon, there was a commotion on the other side of the forest. In a flash, a few men appeared in front of her.

On one of the men's shoulders was a squirrel. It was probably the thing that had darted by in a flash under the light just now.

The eyes of the men swept over Su Ying and the rest. "You guys are people who were just exiled?"

"Yes," Su Ying answered.

Those men raised the machetes in their hands and said, "If you want to go in, each of you must pay one tael of silver."

Su Ying had thought before the northern wilderness would be filled with all kinds of perils, but she didn't think that she would be charged a road toll here.

"What? Is this a treasured place for the immortals? I still have to pay to enter?"