She Had Changed

When they arrived at the open space, everyone examined the location of the open space and felt that it was very suitable.

Now that they had found a place to stay, they would need a house to shelter themselves from the wind and rain.

There were many people in their group, so they needed many houses.

Along the way, Su Ying realized that most of the houses here were wooden. There were almost no houses with green fired bricks or roof tiles. The rest were just mud houses.

The brick house was sturdy, but they didn't have the materials, so they could only look for wood to build the houses.

Su Ying looked at the mountain not far away. The trees there were lush, so she should be able to start there.

"I'll bring them up the mountain to chop down some timber to build houses. You can arrange the rest," Su Ying said to Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin nodded. "Alright. Be careful yourself."