Who Were They?

The fire in the wooden building only started to die down the next day when the sky was bright.

As the wooden building was quite a distance away from the surrounding buildings, the fire did not spread to other places.

Initially, Su Ying had planned to look for a water source today, but after thinking about it, wouldn't it be much more convenient if she could find a water source nearby instead of elsewhere in such a big place like this?

She remembered that when she went to the wooden building to look for Bai Shuang yesterday, she saw a well in the courtyard of the wooden building. So after breakfast, she took a shovel to the wooden building that had been burned to ruins.

Hea Shouyi finished his work and followed Su Ying to the ruins.

"Mistress, what are you looking for?"

"A well. I saw a well here yesterday. Let's look for it and see if we can still use it."

"Alright. It will be much more convenient if it can be used."