Simply a Fool's Dream

It was already dark by the time Su Ying got home. She knocked on the gate, and Cheng Ming answered it.

"Mistress, you're back."

Su Ying nodded. "I've brought the seeds back. Take a look and see if there's any problem."

As soon as Cheng Ming heard that the seeds had arrived, he quickly called out to Number One and the others to unload the seeds from the carriage. Thereafter, they went to check on the seeds sack by sack under the candlelight.

After checking, Cheng Ming said excitedly, "These seeds look fine. We can plant some tomorrow sequentially." 

"I'll leave the matters in the field to you then."

"Yes, Mistress."

Su Ying walked into the hall, but there was no one there. She was a little puzzled. Usually, the children and Xiao Jin would be waiting in the hall for dinner at this hour.