Digging Up Someone’s Ancestral Grave

"Gosh! Master, what are you doing? Quick, quick! Sit down quickly. Mistress has said that you can't move around now." Aunt Zhao quickly rushed into the house and helped Xiao Jin back to his wheelchair.

Xiao Jin looked at Aunt Zhao's nervous expression and said helplessly, "I just want to try…" 

"You can't even try, Master. You should just wait a little longer. It's already been so long. It doesn't matter if you wait a little longer, right?" 

Aunt Zhao was worried that Xiao Jin would make another bold attempt. After that, she almost never let Xiao Jin disappear from her sight.

Xiao Jin felt very helpless and could only temporarily give up on trying.

Meanwhile, Su Ying and Cheng Ming had already chosen a location to dig the fish pond.

Su Ying used a shovel to mark the area and then started digging. Cheng Ming called ten guys over to help.