Filial Descendants

When Su Ying reached the fields, she saw the 400 square yards of land that had been destroyed the night before.

She frowned and asked the bandit leader to replant the seeds they had brought.

She continued to dig fish ponds with Number One and the rest. She wanted to finish digging in a few days.

"You vicious, demonic woman! Give me back my son's life!"

Su Ying was hard at work when she heard a wail. She raised her head for a look and saw Madam Li and her family carrying a person on a stretcher over. A large group of people followed them. They were probably attracted by Madam Li's wail and had come to gawk and watch the drama.

Madam Li and the others lifted the board to the front of Su Ying and wailed, "You vicious woman! Not only did you dig up my family's ancestral grave, but you also poisoned my son to death. If you don't give me an explanation today, I'll fight you to the death even if I have to give up my aged life."