What Was Waiting For Her

"I think I've been feeding you guys too much recently, so you guys have the mood to think about some meaningless things. When I go back tonight, I'll tell Uncle Hea to stop giving you guys meat for a few days first. What are you all still doing? Get up and work." 

When that large group of people heard this, their bodies trembled and they subconsciously stood up to work and began working frantically.

"Leader, what do you think the Mistress means? Is she going to get rid of us or not?"

Number One pondered for a moment and said, "Mistress said that our thoughts are meaningless, which means that she doesn't intend to get rid of us. Get back to work! Get back to work! Otherwise, we really won't get any meat to eat. If I so much as get one less mouthful of Old Man Hea's cooking, I'll be starving like mad." 

"If you say so, Leader. Let's get back to work. Get back to work."