Searching for People in the Mountains

Bai Shuang's scream instantly attracted the attention of Wang Su who was nearby. He threw down the firewood in his hand and immediately ran towards the place where the sound came from.

"Help!" Bai Shuang had only taken two steps before she was pushed to the ground. She struggled to press the switch on her bracelet.

Bang! With a loud sound, the two men were instantly repelled by a powerful force.

When Wang Su reached the spot, he was just in time to see those two bodies streaking across the air.

"Bai Shuang, are you alright?"

When Bai Shuang saw Wang Su, she struggled to hold back her tears and said, "Those... those two people wanted to capture me."

"Don't be afraid. Stand here and don't move. I'll go take a look."

Bai Shuang acknowledged his instruction fearfully.

Wang Su drew out the saber at his waist and slowly walked over to those two people.