Who Says I Can’t Do It

The next morning, Su Ying went to the forest to chop trees. She didn't need too many trees at the start, so she could do it alone.

After she tied the chopped trees with rattan vines, she brought them back to an open space behind the courtyard.

After that, she took out a shovel and began to dig a pit. She wanted to dig a big pit for burning wood. The opening of the pit had to be smaller than the inside of the pit, so that she could better determine how well-sealed the pit was during the burning process.

"Mistress, what are you doing?" Tian Mu took out the wood that he didn't need to dry and saw Su Ying hard at work digging a pit.

He had been busy making furniture at home these days, and there was a lot of intricate work which he had to undertake himself, so his work was a little slow. He still had not finished it at this juncture.

"Digging a pit to make charcoal."