Divorcing Her

Jiang Yang stood helplessly in front of Lin Zhuyu. Su Ying looked at him from a distance and thought that fellow looked so awkward he could almost dig out one whole base camp with his toes!

"Concubine Lin, today's incident was an accident. Please… please don't take it to heart."

Lin Zhuyu lowered her head, looking as if she wanted to jump into a crack in the ground to hide. "I know you didn't do it on purpose. Don't bring it up again." After she finished speaking, she stuffed a package into Jiang Yang's hands and said, "This is the winter clothing that Mistress asked me to make. Take it."

With that, she turned and ran away as if she was being chased by a ghost.

Jiang Yang held the package and stood stiffly on the spot, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

"Jiang Yang, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Yang suddenly recovered himself and subconsciously hid the package behind him.