Spare Me, Hero

As Qiao Yang breathed in the downright stinky pig shit, he almost burst into tears!

If he had known that Madam Su was going to ask him to come here to shovel pig shit, he would not have followed her no matter what she said.

Of course, the few beautiful young men who were raised as male prostitutes were not much better. Not only did they have to scoop out pig manure, but they also had to sweep chicken droppings and cut ragweed to feed the pigs!

"Make sure the place is clean. Uncle Hea said that they can only grow strong and healthy in a comfortable environment."

Previously, Su Ying had felt that her household lacked the manpower to do this. Bai Shuang and the others were already very busy preparing meals for so many people every day. Recently, they had been sewing winter clothes, so it would be too tiring to do these things as well. When she saw these young men, she immediately thought of this task and exploited the young men's full potential.