Let's Test It Then

"Mistress, Aunt Hu! What happened to you two?"

Su Ying looked at the grime on her body and said, "We just delivered a newborn calf."

"Delivered a newborn calf?" Bai Shuang did not think that Su Ying knew how to do this.

"Mm-hmm. Why are you here?"

"Someone is looking for you, Mistress."

After Su Ying gave some instructions to Madam Hu, she followed Bai Shuang back to the house. "Who is it?"

"It's those scholars."

Su Ying understood immediately. The school building had probably been completed.

Su Ying returned home and washed the grime off her body before changing into a set of clean clothes. Then she headed for the hall.

When the people in the hall saw Su Ying emerging from within, they all stood up and bowed.

Su Ying sat down on a chair and gestured for them to straighten up. "Have you finished constructing the school building?"