Worried To Death

"After you go back, form a team and go to the border of the Nan State to cause a ruckus. You don't have to really take any real action. Just create a ruckus and make the other party think that you are soldiers of the Chu State."

"Your Highness, are you trying to sow discord between the two states?" Lin Kun asked.

"I just want to create something to keep Xiao Jue busy," Xiao Jin said with an icy face. If he focused all his attention on finding him and Su Ying, it wouldn't take long for Xiao Jin and Su Ying to be discovered. This small conflict wouldn't cause the two states to go to war, but it wouldn't be so easy to negotiate peace afterward.

Lin Kun understood what Xiao Jin meant. "Yes, Your Highness. I'll execute it once I get back."

Lin Kun left in the night after he finished reporting.

Achoo! When Su Ying came out of the bathroom, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew past and barreled into her nose, causing her to sneeze.