Need to Release Some Heat

"Mother, Mother!"

When Su Ying and the others returned home, they happened to bump into Chu Yun bringing the little ones home.

The older toddler Ji and the younger toddler Ling hurriedly jumped down from the horse carriage when they saw Su Ying.

"Mother, what is this?" Ling asked curiously with her big eyes wide open.

"Stupid Ling, this is a deer. You've seen it in the deer enclosure before," the older toddler Ji said in disdain.

Ling's tiny face puffed up, and she went over to hug Su Ying's leg petulantly. "Mother, is it a deer?"

Su Ying picked her up. "Yes, it's deer. We're having deer meat tonight."

Ling gave an exclamation. "Little Deer is so cute. How can you eat Little Deer?"

"Ling, Grandpa Hea will make venison buns for you tonight, okay?" Hea Shouyi opened the gate and walked out when he heard the commotion.

Ling wriggled her body away from Su Ying and ran over. "Grandpa Hea, are the venison buns very delicious?"