If You Say Fight, Then We Fight

"My life already belongs to Madam Su. As long as Madam Su says fight, then I fight!" Tiger Might responded.

"That's right. We're not afraid of death. We're cowards if we're afraid of death!" Qiao Yang also clenched his fists.

Long Ba shrank back his neck and didn't say anything. He was afraid of death. Even if he was labeled a coward, he still didn't want to die.

"Long Ba, I'll give you one more chance to leave. If you want to leave now, I won't stop you. But don't even think about taking anything that belongs to the South District," Su Ying told him.

Su Ying's icy gaze landed on Long Ba.

Long Ba was having a tormented internal struggle. He wanted to leave, but he was afraid. It was now winter and everywhere was covered in ice and snow. The borders of all the states were also closed. Where could he go?