How Is It Different

Xiao Jin walked over to Su Ying with the handkerchief and gently wiped the blood off her face. After wiping her face clean, he carefully examined her face.

Su Ying languidly slapped his hand away. "There's no injury on my face."

Only then did Xiao Jin release his hands. He threw the handkerchief back into the basin and reached out to undo Su Ying's clothes.

At this moment, Su Ying had long forgotten about the rule that men and women must observe gender rules of propriety. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how to cook those birds so they would taste better. If she didn't gobble them down, it would be difficult to appease the hatred in her heart.

When she felt a slight chill on her body, she was shocked to realize that Xiao Jin had already stripped her stark naked. He was squatting in front of her and wiping her chest with rapt attention.

Su Ying was downright speechless.