Everything Is Fine

Su Ying raised an eyebrow. "So fast?"

Qiao Yang puffed out his chest proudly. "Without the help of the wild beasts, they weren't as powerful as we thought. In addition, we were prepared and had the treasures that Madam Su gave us. We blew them into smithereens in an instant."

Su Ying suddenly realized that the grenades she had left behind had played a crucial role.

"How are the casualties?"

"We're counting them now, but compared to us, the other party is in a worse state. They're all dead."

Su Ying nodded. "It's good that you guys are alright. I'll go take a look elsewhere. You take care of the injured first."

"Hey, Madam Su, you're also injured. Why don't you let me treat your injuries first?"

Su Ying shook her head. "No need. I can handle it myself. You can go." After saying that, she rode on the tiger and left without looking back.

"Hey, Madam Su…"

Su Ying was still a little worried, so she went home first.