Robbing My Stuff

A trace of sorrow flashed across Zhang Shulun's eyes. "It was Mother who made me escape."

Su Ying raised an eyebrow. "Escape?"

Zhang Shulun nodded. "Mm-hmm." 

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from the Taloh Tribe. The people who used to buy medicinal herbs from Father suddenly brought people to our tribe and wanted to snatch the medicinal herbs we had stocked up. Father and the tribesmen did not agree, so they fought with them. But… but we were no match for them at all…" 

"In order to save your life, your mother told you to escape on your own?"

Zhang Shulun nodded. "Yes. But there was a snowstorm when I reached here. I… I hid in the cave and fell unconscious."

"You're from the Taloh Tribe?" the Orange Guardian suddenly spoke up.

Zhang Shulun nodded. "Yes."