Never Taking Advantage of Others

Su Ying put away the gun in her hand and walked over to those people. "Quickly settle the wounded down. Does your tribe have a doctor who knows how to treat injuries? Go and look for him immediately."

The people of the tribe watched helplessly as their loved ones lay in pools of blood. For a moment, they were at a loss to know what to do. Su Ying's reassuring and powerful words were like a life-saving buoy, lifting their spirits immediately.

Su Ying stepped forward to check on the tribal chief's condition. There were several saber wounds on his body, and blood was still gushing out non-stop.

"Move him to the nearest house. Do it quickly."

When the tribesmen heard this, they quickly carried the tribal chief into the house behind them.

Su Ying took out her dagger and slit open his clothes, revealing the wound inside.

"All of you don't have to wait here. I'll treat him. You guys go and take care of the other injured."