I Like You

The man looked straight into her eyes brazenly. "I'm Bai Sang. I like you and want to marry you. Come dance with me and we can sleep together tonight."

Su Ying frowned faintly. This rascal was so forthright. Could he be coveting the gold on her?

"No, I don't like you."

Bai Sang did not give up just like that. Instead, he followed closely behind Su Ying. "If I can defeat the brave warriors in my tribe, you can marry me."

Su Ying found a spot with straw laid out and sat down. She casually picked up a leg of lamb that was being roasted over the fire and took a bite.

There was no seasoning on the mutton, and it carried the unique smell of mutton. It didn't feel like it would taste good, but surprisingly, the mutton was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The more she chewed, the more fragrant it became. It was really intoxicating to eat this.

Su Ying, who hadn't had a good meal with meat for days, couldn't stop eating once she started.