Don't Want Them Anymore

"Everyone, follow me first. When we reach the front, look for a place to stay first. We'll talk about other things after you guys have settled down." Tiger Might quickly came back to his senses. He had become very proficient in managing the residential side during this period of time.

Su Ying said, "You guys don't have to worry. It's very safe in the city. Even if the Nan State's army comes, they won't be able to break in. You guys follow Tiger Might. The tribal chiefs of the various tribes will manage their own people in their respective tribes. If there's any problem, you can directly liaise with Tiger Might."

"Thank you, City Lord Su."

All they wanted now was a safe place to stay. They wouldn't dare to ask for too much. After all, they still didn't understand what was going on in Sky Alpha City.

Yang Zhong followed right at the back, and the cattle and sheep that he brought were all herded to the livestock sheds by Jiang Yang and his companions.