“Admit Defeat” Was Non-existent in His Dictionary

The people standing guard outside the city waited outside for two days and two nights, but no one came out from inside. They could not help but worry.

Just as they were at a loss to know what to do, the entrance on the city wall opened again.

This time, they were no longer in a hurry to enter the entrance like before. Instead, they stood outside and observed in secret.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement at the entrance. After some people threw a large lump of stuff out, they turned around and walked back inside.

"Let's go see what those things are." Two people walked out from the dark and quickly ran to the lump to check. After pulling it open, they realized that it was actually the clothes of their companions, but the clothes had been torn into pieces and were covered in flesh and blood.

When the two of them saw this, their eyes widened abruptly in fear. They subconsciously turned around to look at the entrance.