Capital City, They're Back

The place they were staying at tonight was a courier station near Prince Ma City.

The officials at the courier station knew that Prince Qi was going to stop by and had already made preparations very early.

When they were traveling these few days, in order to shorten the journey, they did not rest at noon and sat in the horse carriage for the entire day. Su Ying's bones had almost fallen apart from the jolting.

After Su Ying arrived at the assigned room in the courier station, she immediately lay down on the bed.

The children's bones were soft, and they could lie down in the carriage, so they were not that tired. Instead, they became much more energetic after getting off the carriage.

Su Ying casually ate some food, washed up, and handed the children over to Aunt Zhao and the others before going to bed.

After Su Ying woke up, she heard Jiang Yang's voice coming from outer room.