People's Hearts Change

  How could Hea Shouyi not understand the meaning behind Wei Xi's words? He clearly had no intention of giving up control of the kitchen.

 "How about this? Let's go ask His Highness and see who he wants to keep."

 The smile on Wei Xi's face immediately sank. "Why? Do you want to use His Highness to intimidate me? Who do you think you are? Alright. It's not impossible for you to be the main chef. Then tonight, you will prepare a meal comprising the eight major Imperial dishes. If His Highness and Her Highness are satisfied with your dishes, I'll let you stay."

 Hea Shouyi nodded fearlessly. "Alright."

 Meanwhile, Su Ying returned to the courtyard she had stayed in before with Aunt Zhao.

 Previously, Xiao Jin stayed in the main courtyard while Su Ying lived in another courtyard not far from him.

 "Green Mist Pavilion." Su Ying raised her head and looked at the plaque on the courtyard door. It felt both familiar and unfamiliar.