Don't Air Dirty Linen In Public

"Prime Minister Su, this should have been a private matter of the Prime Minister's Residence, but since the maidservant of the Prime Minister's Residence has reported this to the government office, I cannot ignore this matter. The people from your Prime Minister's Residence are bullying Princess Consort Qi publicly. According to the laws of the Chu State, such a crime calls for whipping as punishment."

Lord Lin paused and looked at Su Ying. "What do you think, Your Highness?"

Su Ying wasn't expecting such a good piece of fortune. "Whipping? How many lashes?"

"Twenty to fifty lashes." Lord Lin asked for Su Ying's view because he wanted to reduce this matter to a trivial level and turn the criminal case into a family dispute instead. This way, their family could argue behind closed doors. After all, if this matter blew up, it wouldn't do any good to the reputation of either party.