The Delegation Arrived

The delegation from the Nan State finally arrived at the gates of the capital.

The Vice Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs dressed in an all-vermilion robe stood at the city gate.

"My Lord, the delegation from the Nan State has arrived."

Lord Ji, Vice Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs, quickly stepped forward and put on his official smile.

"Welcome, Nan State's delegation."

The Nan State's entourage stopped at the city gate. In the middle of the entourage was a red horse carriage.

A slender finger drew aside the beaded curtain, revealing half of an exquisite side profile.

In the darkness, those almond-shaped eyes swept over the official robe worn by the Vice Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs. After confirming Lord Ji's identity, he dropped the curtain. "Thank you."

Lord Ji straightened up. "Your Highness Prince Yu, this way please."