You Won't Be Able to Live Well Either

In order to confirm the situation of the shops, Su Ying planned to go and take a look personally.

After Su Ying gave the three children their respective tasks, she had the guards prepare a small, inconspicuous horse carriage and went out of the manor with Bai Shuang.

They first went to the restaurant closest to Prince Qi's Manor. It was the one with the best geographical location but was reportedly still losing money.

When they arrived, it was close to noon. The restaurant was as crowded as a marketplace, and even the dining hall on the first floor was almost full.

Su Ying and Bai Shuang walked to the entrance of the restaurant, and a waiter came forward to welcome them.

"Do you two ladies wish to dine here?"

"Mm-hmm. Just give us a table in the main hall."