Wait For The Punishment

Lin Zhuyu was in so much anguish that she felt she was going to die. If she hadn't been soaking in the water all this time, she would definitely have gone crazy.

She was extremely glad that she had run away fast enough at that time. Otherwise, she would have been ravaged by His Highness!

Lin Zhuyu heard Su Ying's voice through her groggy stupor and opened her eyes with difficulty.

After seeing Su Ying's appearance clearly, she sobbed and wanted to cry. "Your Highness, save me!"

Su Ying gave a slap on Lin Zhuyu's forehead and sobered her up a little.

" Your Highness, Your Highness! Sob, sob, sob…" 

"Shut up. How dare you scheme against me. Are you tired of living, Lin Zhuyu?"

"Sob, sob, sob! I wouldn't dare anymore, Your Highness. It was Aunt Zhao who asked me to do this. Aunt Zhao said that if I don't do it, she will make me serve His Highness in the future!"

Very good. She was still trying to shirk responsibility!