Seeking Peace

  Su Ying chose a date that was the earliest. After returning to the capital, they had been constantly antagonized by people here and there, so it was time for some happy event to usher in some joy.

 On the day of Lin Zhuyu's wedding, Su Ying planned to vacate a house in her own courtyard so that the girl could get married from there. Prince Qi's Manor would prepare a separate courtyard for them to live in after they got married.

 As for the dowry and betrothal gifts, Su Ying asked Zhang Shuming to take care of the betrothal gifts, while Aunt Zhao would prepare the dowry gifts.

 The date Su Ying had chosen was very early. It was at the end of the month. Now, there were only a few days left until the end of the month.

 Lin Zhuyu was also gradually beginning to feel like a bride, and she became bashful when she saw Su Ying.

 "Didn't I tell you to go back to your room and do embroidery work? Why did you come out?"