Joyous Event

In the Imperial study, Xiao Jue knelt in the room.

Emperor Kangze went up and gave him a big slap.

Xiao Jue's face was flung to one side from the impact.

"Look at what you've done!"

Emperor Kangze was so angry that the veins on his forehead were bulging.

Xiao Jue was very resentful, but he didn't dare to act rashly in front of Emperor Kangze. "Emperor Father, I was also tricked by someone in a moment of distraction. No matter how muddle-headed I was, I would never have touched the Prime Minister's wife."

"The fact that you can fall for someone's scheme means that you're still stupid!"

Xiao Jue didn't say anything else.

"I will think of a way to push the blame for this matter to Little Madam Jiang. You just stay here obediently. If anything goes wrong again, I will take it that you are not my son!"