
There was an outhouse behind the dining hall. After Fu Zheng brought Ling there, he politely backed away and waited outside.

The two guards were also standing guard outside.

In the dining hall, although Xiao Jin was talking to Duke Zhenguo, he would occasionally glance at the courtyard to make sure that the two children were fine.

When he looked again, he did not see Ling. He sprang up from his chair and walked out.

When Duke Zhenguo saw Xiao Jin suddenly stand up, he thought that something had happened so he quickly stood up as well.

"Ji, where's Ling and Fu Zheng?"

Ji replied when he heard his father, "Father, Younger Sister said that she ate too much and her stomach felt uncomfortable. She wanted to go to the outhouse. She was too embarrassed to tell Father, so she went with Brother Fu Zheng."

"When did they go?"

"Just now." When Ji saw that Xiao Jin's expression was not right, he asked worriedly, "Father, what's wrong?"