I Will Not Let This Matter Rest

After Xiao Jin and Su Ying left Duke Zhenguo's Residence, they boarded the horse carriage and left.

However, when the horse carriage was about to turn a corner far away from Duke Zhenguo's Residence, Xiao Jin stopped the carriage.

He placed the sleeping Ji in Su Ying's arms. "Bring the child back first. I'll stand guard outside Duke Zhenguo's Residence."

Su Ying carried Ji over and nodded with furrowed brows. The reason they left Duke Zhenguo's Residence was not because they felt that Ling was no longer inside, but because they speculated that the other party might have hidden her in a place they could not find.

Therefore, they retreated first in order to progress further. First, they had to make the other party let their guard down. They would then take the opportunity to save Ling when the other party tried to send Ling out of Duke Zhenguo's Residence.

The most important thing now was to keep an eye on them until they send Ling out.