Leaving The City

The first thing Su Ying did when she woke up in the morning was to take out the positioning device.

Yesterday, she was too worried and too flustered due to concern that she even forgot to check the positioning device. However, because there was no satellite to connect to, this kind of positioning device determined locations by calculating the traction position. Therefore, the target and device had to be within the range of traction before the target could be located.

Su Ying turned on the positioning device and found that Ling's coordinates were not displayed on the device. Had she been taken out of the city?

From the news brought back by the guards in the morning, she should still be in the city.

Su Ying immediately ordered the guards in the manor to guard her courtyard. She looked at Ji and said, "Ji, Mother is going out to look for your younger sister. Be good and stay in the residence. Don't wander around, understand?"