She Felt Very Insecure

With Xiao Jue captured, all the supporters of the Grand Mentor's faction panicked. Now, the forces in the Imperial Court seemed to be increasingly inclined towards Xiao Jin. If Xiao Jin came to power in the future, they would definitely be the first ones to be purged.

After the Empress received the news, she immediately went to Emperor Kangze's palace to seek an audience, but Emperor Kangze refused to see her.

The Empress didn't leave either. She simply knelt outside the palace entrance.

"Your Majesty, I beg Your Majesty to let Jue'er off this time. I beg Your Majesty to spare his life, even if it means demoting him to the level of a commoner, Your Majesty…"

The Empress kept kowtowing until her head almost cracked, but she still did not get to see Emperor Kangze.