Determined to Win

Su Ying fell asleep, and when she woke up, it was already afternoon.

She yawned and stood up to stretch her limbs. Then, she saw the maidservant walking in.

"Your Highness, the Second Young Miss of the Prime Minister's Residence requests an audience."

Su Ying's face froze momentarily. "Su Yuyan? What is she doing here? I'm not seeing her. Tell her to scram."

"Yes, Your Highness."

After the maidservant left, she came back not long after that. "Your Highness, Second Miss Su said that Prime Minister Su's condition has changed. She wants to request Your Highness to go to the Prime Minister's Residence to take a look."

Su Ying rubbed the spot between her brows and a hint of impatience appeared on her face. "Tell her not to push her luck. Otherwise, when her father dies, I'll bury her with him."